Community Library

Brockworth Link took over offering Community Library Services on 1st November 2012 with help and support from local organisations and a team of volunteers.

The opening times for the library are as follows:

Opening times

  • Monday 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm
  • Tuesday 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm
  • Wednesday 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm
  • Thursday 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 4pm
  • Saturday 10am – 12noon

Brockworth Link is a Digi Hub where the local community can access Wi-Fi and computers for free. We also offer support for people in order for them to access important digital services.

We work in partnership with similar organisations across the county, including:

Computer Buddies needed:
Anyone interested (including volunteers) with excellent IT skills who would like to help out on a a Saturday morning during library opening hours please see a member of staff at the desk for details.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: There’s a role for everyone. All volunteers receive training which may include first aid, training on the Talis library computer system, safeguarding and customer service. Everyone has skills which can be used, so if you are interested in getting involved please Email us.

National Lottery Funding

In May of this year, Brockworth Link were successful in receiving a grant from the National Lottery Awards for All.

The grant was a contribution towards the Library Manager’s salary, as well as to purchase this brand new top of the range interactive screen.

The screen will assist our French, Spanish and Italian tutors to teach and interact with their students. As well as a wide screen, the device can also be used as a white board, for the tutors to show correct spelling and more!

Our Library Manager will be able to continue her valuable work in the community, all thanks to the National Lottery!’